Peace Essence
This essence brings the deepest vibrations of peace. A sense of stillness wherever you are. It settles the storm, allows calm in the chaos, finds solace in your situation.
Inner peace is a feeling you can connect to whatever circumstances you find yourself in. It is not necessarily easy, but it is possible. By taking Peace Essence, you invite this possibility in and are supported in finding the stillness you seek.
Peace Essence can aid you in deepening your meditation, allowing you to drop into greater levels of peace, quieting the noise and allowing you to access the true presence that is you.
It can help after a shock, or during times of emotional turbulence. By introducing the energy of peace, you can soften into your experience, and meet your reality or situation from a more peaceful place.
It can also assist with past traumas, dissolving their impact on our energy, and helping you move towards healing and finding peace.
Peace Essence can help during or after conflict, helping to calm heightened emotions so you can view relationships, interactions, and circumstances from a more peaceful, balanced place. It can help soothe you during sensory overload and settle overwhelm.
Peace Essence has the energy of standing on a snowy mountain top with the peace and clarity of a deep blue sky. Rising above, finding peace and stillness, and viewing the world from a calm perspective.
30ml dropper bottle
Super Nature Vibrational Essences
Super Nature Vibrational Essences are co-created with nature, to bring beautiful, healing, transformative energies into your energy system and life. They aim to get to the core of the energy you wish to introduce, inviting these powerful vibrations into your body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Created in nature, often within powerful sacred sites, these essences combine the energies of trees, plants, flowers, the environment, and the moment itself. Sometimes created in a moment, sometimes on a pilgrimage, each essence has a beautifully balanced energy, created to work uniquely with each individual, whatever stage they are on their journey.
How to use Super Nature Essences:
Dropper bottle:
- RECOMMENDED: 4 drops under the tongue up to 4 times a day (or when required)
- Add to drinks or water bottle
- Add 11 drops to a bath
- Add a few drops to toiletries
- Add to paints to add Super Nature energies to your creations
- Use your imagination… add to cooking, juices, cacoa, foot baths….
Super Nature Essences can be taken in a multitude of ways. They are designed to be taken straight from the bottle and are most effective when taken by themselves. The essences can be added to a combination bottle, but to get their full effectiveness it is recommended to be taken on their own. You can get creative with how you use your essences, check out the examples above, however taken simply often is most effective. You can use other essences alongside them, just give a gap before you do.
The first few times you take them, we recommend that you take a few minutes to sit with the essence, as it infuses through your energy. Occasionally the essences can bring a lot of movement to your energy, however this always settles down after a minute or two. These potions can be powerful! Take them on the go, before and during meditation, or when you are feeling out of sorts and want a boost of Super Nature. Experiment with how they feel, depending on what you are doing.
Vibrational essences are completely safe to use with no contraindications. They can be taken alongside medication and other treatments. They do contain brandy, so are not suitable for people with allergies to alcohol. When taking in drop form, the alcohol content is very low, so children can take the essences.
£3.50 P&P
Delivered by Royal Mail
Estimated delivery time 3-10 days
Currently UK only
30ml bottle
Vibrational Essence